Okay, for a while now, I’ve extolled the virtues of self-publishing. But I know some of you out there are looking for advice on going the traditional route, playing by the rules, and doing it the old-fashioned way.

Get ready for a lot of rejection and taking shots in the dark.

If you’re still convinced that finding an agent is the way to go, then by all means, go for it. But take this advice from an actual agent, and avoid making an ass out of yourself.

Joyce Holland writes: What Not To Do: An Agent’s Perspective. It’s good advice for anyone searching for an agent, written by a real-live, bona fide agent. Good luck!

Come follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook for good, funny times. My name rhymes with Man Rogue Booshay, like Booshay is an actual word. See? Funny times. If you’re looking for something off-beat and maybe not so funny, read Exit 1042 and stop filling your life with regret.

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